FaceTime Training Consultations
We understand that not everyone who would like our assistance with their pup lives in the greater Austin, Texas area. Over the years, we have helped many friends from around the country and the world, with training techniques from the comfort of their own home. Almost all of our modalities are able to be simply demonstrated via a Zoom/Facetime platform, and the results are remarkable; just ask some of our alumni! As with our in-person training sessions, your session will include a full recap email with detailed notes and helpful links. Follow up texts and questions are also a part of the offering!
60 Minute Session for $100
Ask about our 3 & 5 Pack Bundle Discounts!
Meet Daphne, Capri & Miss Apple Pie
Daphne was a referral from a past client who recommended that she give us a call and try out our services with her two wire-haired Dachshunds, Capri and Apple Pie. The only problem was, Daphne was working abroad at the time in Dresden, Germany. Even though we were not able to meet in person, I was able to detail our simple and proven methods for various behavioral needs she had at the time. We were able to very simply teach her the fundamentals of potty training via a Zoom call, which nipped the accidents in the bud within a couple of days! We also taught her how to keep nervous barking to a minimum, in ways that don’t involve punishment or frustratingly yelling back at your dog, haha. For small dog owners, this crucial to get under control early on, and we have the dog-friendly solutions to meet your needs!
Winston is a Black Labrador who lives in Boston, MA. He is a very handsome boy with no real behavior issues, but his parents were still looking to learn more in terms of life enrichment for their very intelligent boy. Over the course of 3+ sessions, we taught them things like leash walking basics, “search & rescue” games and remedies for excited jumping on guests. His parents have plans to travel with him and would like him to do some therapy dog work down the road, so Mom has assured me that three sessions is just the beginning of their joy-filled work with Winston!